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Running at Camberwell College of Arts, MA Visual Arts was a programme that originally included 5 courses that deliberately crossed fine art and design disciplines:
MA Book Arts
MA Designer Maker
MA Fine Art Digital
MA Illustration
MA Printmaking

After a structural change the 3 fine art courses remained linked together in one programme:
MA Book Arts
MA Fine Art Digital
MA Printmaking

These course followed a 2 year model called ‘Extended Full Time’ which had the advantage of allowing all students, UK, EU and International, to study for 2 years in a hybrid of part-time/full-time structure.

Students were able to study alongside their work, family and caring commitments, providing access to learning for a diverse range of students.

Sadly this has all changed and this is the final group of students to complete their Masters study in this format.

Even more sadly, it is the complete end of MA Book Arts following management decisions to cease offering this course after 28 years! It will be a great loss but the alumni of this course will continue their excellent work throughout the world.

It is also the end of MA Fine Art Digital at Camberwell. Uniquely this course has offered fully online learning since 2004 (that would appear to be quite useful in these covid-19 lockdown times!), however this course is being reborn at Central Saint Martins.

MA Printmaking continues at Camberwell in a 1 year full time mode.

July 2020